Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Who said...

Cap and gown portraits are only for Seniors?! These girls are best friends and will be graduating from Kindergarten Wednesday morning :)



Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time to update!

WOW, I haven't posted since the end of March! Although, I don't think I have many followers on here, I still like to update it every now and then.

Hmm, where to start?

Well, Kelsie has applied for 2 jobs and heres a pic of her filling out her very first application for employment:


Meet 2 of my 2010 Senior Reps:

Rikki who attends Pawnee High School

and Erica who attends Cleveland High School


The picture below is from a birthday party where all the girls got their hair/makeup and nails done and got to dress up for a 'photo shoot'. There were 20 girls and wow were they fun, but exhausting at the same time! The girls picked out their own accessories b/c we wanted to keep it fun for them! This one was my fav out of the bunch! I'm in love w/these 'square crops'!!


Thats it for now, I need to find a pic of my super cute nephew Mathieu!!